Lancement de la collection H&M par Maison Martin Margiela

“It’s incredible, so exciting to celebrate one of my favourite designers. They are mysterious and compelling and I’ve been a great fan of Margiela for many years. H&M, well, look at the lines of men and women lined up! It’s a great opportunity for people to have access to great designers. It makes luxury available
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Diane Von Furstenberg fête les 20 ans de Purple Magazine
« The fashion show is a really important moment. It’s a ceremony, and it’s also still five to ten minutes of pure fashion, free from everything, free from commerce. I mean, we have to preserve this little moment, this psychological concept of potlatch, where you spend money for just feux d’artifice, fireworks. We celebrate, and we
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Elégance au Gala du MET Costume Institute

« Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. » – Audrey Hepburn De nombreuses personnalités issues du monde de la mode, de la musique et du cinéma s’étaient données rendez-vous le 07 mai dernier pour assister au Gala du Met Costume Institute, qui inaugurait l’exposition consacrée aux créatrices Miuccia Prada et Elsa Schiaparelli « Schiaparelli And Prada:
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